Learning becomes easy when you enjoy it, but not everything excites us when we want to learn it.
How to learn almost anything easily
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1. Learn by fun
This is what new education system will going to become If we make our learning process a fun, then we will enjoy it and we can put more effort on it.
2. How to make learning fun
Learning means you are trying out something new, so to make it a fun you have to challenge yourself or bet with your friend.
For example, if you want to learn python then tell your friend that you will create a web scrapper in a week and if you succeed then he will give you $10 otherwise you will give him $10
It's not about money, you can bet on a coffee treat or anything
This way you will be always charged to complete the task and at the end you enjoy the result
3. Try to create something real
I really hate history subject, you know why ?? Because there is nothing on that which I can implement easily.
But we are lucky that in programming we can instantly implement whatever we learn. Again if you are learning python then start with create a command line tool that print OS details or IP address information.
After building it, share with your online friends or in a community where people can help you to move forward in the journey
4. Participate in meet-ups or conferences
Learning become easy when you surround yourself with similar minds This is what you have to do.
Meetups and conferences are great resource of similar minds, you will find newbies to experts and just see what they are talking and ask question about everything
5. Have learning attitude
This means, you always have to open your mind to learn from every situation
If you fail to create something you win by knowing how to not do something If you fail to learn something you win by telling others what not to do
In every situation there is something we can learn
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